Saturday, January 29, 2011

if I won 1 million in the lottery today

I would:
Set aside 500,000 for taxes / legal fees.

  1. 300,000: 
    1. pay off my education (I feel very indebted to MIT, Delta Community Credit Union, Girls Inc / Coca Cola, Joy Choi Foundation, 
    2. pay off any other outstanding loans my family has
  2. 150,000:
    1. 100,000: invest in financial market thingy, make sure I will be able to care for my immediate family, current and future
    2. 40,000: for extended family investments in education, particularly for girls
    3. 50,000: donations within the next 5 years
      1. 5,000+: donations for Peachtree Ridge students
  3. 50,000:
    1. 10,000 for fun projects / R&D / learning
      1.  dancing hexapod :D
    2. 5,000 for books for myself
      1. All those programming books
      2. recent: Half the Sky, The Death and Life of the Great American School System,  Cory Doctorow's books, Out of Poverty, Yunus' books, Gladwell's books, Small is Beautiful, MIT history books, ...
      3. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Visual Display of Quantitative Information
      4. historical: The End of Poverty, The White Man's Burden,
    3. 15,000 for family outings, personal travel
    4. 3,000 for lobbying for things
    5. 2,000 for hall (2nd west, pi tau zeta, putz) projects
      1. welder
      2. 3d printer, mini-mill and mini-lathe
      3. oscilloscope, 
      4. better kitchen storage solutions
    6. 15,000 for emergency funds for immediate family

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